Medical Services
Medical centers with highly qualified medical teams will operate at the Athletes’ Village and at each sports venue to provide first aid assistance for accredited persons in emergencies related to illnesses and injuries. Designated partner hospitals and their emergency units will be equipped with the latest medical technologies to ensure safe and high quality medical services for all athletes and officials.
NOC General Treatment Room
Organizing Committee will provide general examination rooms at the first floor of residential buildings at the Athletes’ Village for all NOCs bringing their medical staff. General Treatment Rooms will have all necessary furniture to enable adequate functioning of the space as a treatment room (table, chairs, small cabinet for medicine storage, massage table, etc).
Athletes’ Village Polyclinic
The Athletes’ Village Polyclinic will provide certain ambulatory services for all accredited persons in the Village. Patients who need further expert consultations, examinations or in-patient treatments as determined by the Polyclinic doctors will be transferred to designated hospitals.
The Athletes’ Village Polyclinic will operate from 8:00 to 22:00 every day. In addition, 24hrs ambulance and emergency services will be available for accredited persons living in Athletes’ Village.
Athlete’s Medical Stations at Competition Venues
Athlete’s Medical Stations will be set up at all competition venues. In total, 11 Medical Stations will operate with at least 1 doctor and 1 medical assistant per station, except Cycling and Judo (2 doctors and 2 medical assistants per station). It will provide on-site medical services for accredited persons with access to these areas. After on-site treatment, if the on-site doctor considers it necessary, the injured shall be transferred by ambulance to the designated hospitals. Athlete’s Medical Stations will provide services one hour before the competition until all the athletes leave the venues.
Emergency Medical Services
Emergency Medical Services will be present at all venues (training, competition, opening and closing ceremony and Athletes’ Village). They will be parked near the venues to provide first aid treatment, on spot emergency services as well as transportation to the designated hospitals.
EMS will provide 24hr services to accredited personnel in Athletes’ Village, while EMS at training, competition and opening/closing ceremony venues will be available one hour before the competitions or trainings until half an hour after the end of the training or competition to all accredited personnel as well as to spectators. In total 11 ambulances with more than 33 team members will be providing EMS.
Designated Hospital Network
During EYOF urgent ambulatory and inpatient services will be provided by designated hospitals.
Patients will be transported to hospitals by EMS according to the predetermined plan.
In total 3 hospitals will be providing inpatient services and the distance from the venue to the designated hospital will not be longer than 5 kilometers and driving time will not exceed 10 minutes.
Additional Services Offered By the Medical Department
- • Public health services such as infectious disease monitoring, smoke-free policy implementation and emergency preparedness contingency plan implementation in case of public health threat
- • Acute dental care services and dental care resulted from the injury provided by designated dental clinic
- • Repatriation service free of charge for the NOCs, the EOC, the IOC and the Ifs
- • Isolation Rooms for the Athletes in the Village
- • Insurance coverage and assistance service for NOCs
- • Food, air and water quality monitoring services
- • Injury and illness Surveillance Study organization and execution
- • Sudden weather change notification service to NOCs.
Contact person:
Tea Akhaladze, Head of the Medical Service Department
Phone: 577766556
Doping control will be conducted by Tbilisi 2015 OC together with the Georgian Anti-Doping Agency (GADA) and will be carried out in all sport disciplines. Certified and experienced doping control officers will ensure collecting of the tests in accordance to WADA IST and sending the samples to the WADA accredited laboratory Seibersdorf Austria. There will be two doping control stations: New Tbilisi District and Vere Basketball Palace. Doping control escort will follow the athlete after the notification to the Doping Control Station (DCS). Specially assigned chaperons will accompany athletes to the doping test stations.
The 2015 Prohibited List (WADA) is valid during the EYOF. All the athletes who are using the medication, which is under the WADA prohibited list, must have the TUE Certification (Therapeutic Use Exemptions) for such use. The certification must be given beforehand by the IF or the National Anti-doping Agency. The athlete must show the certification, when he/ she is in the doping control.
Subject to great importance of young athlete’s awareness about the doping risks special Anti-Doping quizzes will operate at the Athletes’ Village fun zone.
Contact person:
Pavle Kasradze